Terms & Condition
Vehicle prices are updated on our website in FOB basis (Free On Board). To get the C&F price please ask by filling the form or contact your CSR with reference to stock ID. A stock vehicle will be reserved for a customer as per company policy. Duration of reservation varies as per markets. Customer is liable to pay under the reservation time & provide scan copy of transfer slip via official email address info@greenautojapan.com & your CSR email address or via official whatsapp number. In case of failure company will not take the responsibility for the consequences. Green Auto Japan is only liable to the information mentioned over the documents. Any tempering, over writing will void the authenticity of the document & company will not responsible for any loss if occurred.
In case of partial payment, full payment is due seven days after the carrier’s sailing date. Bank charges and other transaction costs are not included in the invoice price and payable by you.
After full or part payment, we books shipping subject to carrier’s terms. The place of delivery is carrier’s facility. We do our best effort to ship the car in earliest carrier but still we are not responsible for any delay in shipment. Original transportation documents are released and sent to you only after full payment. You must make timely full payment for processing and sending before shipment POD arrival. We will not be liable for loss arising from damaged, delayed, erroneous, lost, non-amended, non-issued, or retained documents.
If you fail to pay Green Auto Japan the full invoice price by seven days after the carrier’s sailing date, the car will be deemed unpaid, and you might forfeit any part payment. Green Auto Japan is fully entitled to possession of and may resell an unpaid car. Company offers cars as is without warranting fitness for your particular purpose and merchantability. We warrants only that cars correspond to descriptions on the site, and a car is deemed defective only if not corresponding to description. Green Auto Japan will not be liable for disclosed car defects.
Company will not be liable for more than the invoice price of the subject car(s); consequential, indirect, or punitive damages; or lost business, profit, or use.
You shall indemnify Green Auto Japan for loss arising from your breach of these terms, negligence, wrongdoing, or violation of contract or third-party rights or law.
We complies with the Japan Unfair Competition Prevention Act, OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials, and other anti-corruption applicable law. Any contravening transaction of prohibited. We never deals with organized crime and takes measures to prevent anti-social transactions, including screening business partners for anti-social affiliations and including terms excluding anti-social forces in procurement and sales contracts. Any contravening transaction is prohibited.
Green Auto Japan complies with Japan Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act export controls, including list controls and catch-all controls and other applicable laws and regulations to prevent illegal weapons development. Any contravening transaction is prohibited. These terms constitute the entire agreement between customer and Green Auto Japan, and a forbearance in exercising or requiring satisfaction of a provision, act, omission, or course of dealing will not waive a right, remedy, or condition. If part of these terms is held unenforceable, the rest remains effective as written except where held unenforceable. These terms are governed and adjudicable by only the laws and courts of Japan.
Company will be only liable for all the commitments as per company policy. In case any employee is making fake commitments in sense of price, condition of vehicle company will not accept any claim. Its customer responsibility to make sure all the commitments regarding payments or any grey information in advance by sending email sales@greenautojapan.com.